
Minting of TUSD on Watr Devnet Brings Stablecoin Liquidity to the Watr Ecosystem

Watr, the digital home for a new class of commodity flows, is proud to announce the successful deployment of TUSD on its development network, Watr Devnet. This milestone represents a significant step towards bringing additional stablecoin liquidity to the Polkadot ecosystem, and Watr in particular. TUSD is set to be one of the first regulated stablecoins native to the Watr ecosystem.

The Watr team is now inviting developers to utilize the TUSD stablecoin to build DApps on the Watr Devnet. The deployment of TUSD on Watr Devnet allows dApp developers to interact with a Watr-native stablecoin in a test environment. With the launch of TUSD on Watr Devnet, developers can now experiment with the stablecoin’s functionality, deploy stablecoin-based dApps, test its integration with other applications, and explore its potential for use in their own projects.

“We are thrilled to have successfully launched TUSD on Watr Devnet,” said Maryam Ayati, Watr co-founder. “This is an important milestone for us and for the Polkadot ecosystem as a whole. We believe that stablecoins are essential for the growth and adoption of decentralized applications. With TUSD now available on Watr Devnet, we are one step closer to achieving our goal of building a complete commodities ecosystem.”

TrueCoin is proud to be part of this important milestone, and we are thankful that TUSD was chosen to be the settlement coin of choice in such an important ecosystem,” said Alex de Lorraine, Archblock CFO and COO.

TUSD is a regulated stablecoin that is fully backed by US dollars. It has become one of the most widely used stablecoins in the cryptocurrency industry, with a market cap of over $2 billion. The integration of TUSD on Watr Devnet represents an important addition to the growing ecosystem of decentralized applications and services.

Watr is a decentralized blockchain ecosystem that enables developers to build and deploy scalable, secure, and customizable decentralized applications for commodity flows. With its unique architecture, Watr offers a high-performance, low-latency infrastructure for the development of next-generation blockchain applications. Watr is a parachain on Polkadot, the world’s leading blockchain interoperability protocol.

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Minting of TUSD on Watr Devnet Brings Stablecoin Liquidity to the Watr Ecosystem was originally published in Archblock on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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